Thursday Sunsets: Israel

I’m not the most religious person in the world, but I am pretty proud of my heritage. When my sister convinced me to go with her to Israel back in 2008, I was skeptical, but it ended up being a pretty life changing trip. It was quite a wake up call to be immersed in a culture where the people didn’t worry as much as we do about wealth or material possessions because they live with the constant threat of going to war or being attacked by one of their surrounding nations. Their patriotism, their respect for each other, their kindness to us, their dedication to their country and incredible pride in being Israeli was completely inspiring. This is a sunset from one of our first nights there. With the Jewish New Year happening right now, I felt this was an appropriate one to post. L’Shana Tova everyone.

Thursday Sunsets: Rome, Italy

I know Italy isn’t necessarily known for its sunsets, but this was one of the first views I had upon arriving in Rome in March 2009. It was quite the first impression. We stayed right near the vatican so we’d be able to see the Sistine Chapel on our very last day before leaving for the airport. The lovely Hotel Alessandrino was just steps from St. Peter’s Basilica, pictured here:

I also sort of chose to feature this photo today because it was from a trip I took with my two roommates at the time, and next week, one of them is embarking on a whole new phase of her life. So this post is dedicated to Jessica – I hope Shanon brings you as much happiness as we did during our years in JAR.

Thursday Sunsets: Marco Island

This past weekend, one of my very best friends got married at the Marco Island Marriott Hotel on Marco Island, Florida. It was a really beautiful ceremony on the beach, and we all got to walk down the aisle barefoot – an added bonus.  After they said their vows, we enjoyed this amazing sunset.  I love that they’ll always have (the professional version of) this photo to remember their big day for the rest of their lives:

Beautiful couple, beautiful sunset.

The bridal party also had some fun on the beach while the professional photographer did her thing with the newly married couple:

Thursday Sunsets: Fire Island

The sun is setting on the work week and while we aren’t quite at the weekend yet, you can feel it on the horizon. And so I bring to you the first weekly installment of Thursday Sunsets, where each week I’ll highlight a beautiful sunset from around the world. But we’ll start off local, with one of my absolute favorite places in the world, and the sunset that inspired this post.

Fire Island, NY: